Friday, 26 May 2017

Blessings Abound in Taiwan for Jessie Chung , Scores Two No. 1 Chart Positions and Crosses Platinum Mark

Surprise after surprise has been coming in for Princess of Rock Jessie Chung upon the release of her new album Be Strong in Taiwan. Having been smiled on by fortune, she has now returned to Malaysia to celebrate and share the success with her fans!

Be Strong has received major support from the Taiwanese, as enthusiastic media and radio stations rushed to push Jessie’s album and its intrinsic positive energy around the country to empower its people. Jessie campaigned in Taiwan for two weeks; her album debuted atop the throne of Taiwan’s most authoritative album sales chart, Five Music’s International Chart.

After fending off all other contenders and winning Five Music’s championship, Taiwan’s top radio station i Radio also came in with good news: Jessie’s new single “Be Strong” squeezed into the top ranks of i Radio’s International chart, debuting at second place. On the second week, Jessie Chung came back with a vengeance and reigned at the Number One spot with the support of the media and Taiwanese fans!

Jessie Chung was taken aback by the achievements brought on by her album Be Strong. She never thought that her Australian label-produced album would be this popular in Taiwan, as her contenders this time included established international artists such as Adele, Ed Sheeran, The Chainsmokers, Ariana Grande, Madonna, and Coldplay, etc. In regard to the double championship achieved with this album, Jessie humbly said that her boss and producer are the ones who should receive the most credit.

She expressed that the Taiwanese are really fond of Be Strong, because every song on the album emanated positive energy. Especially the title track “Be Strong”, which became the newest hot single most played by Taiwanese DJs. Many commented positively on the songs universal meaning, and expressed that every time they hear the song they become emboldened to smile and stand strong in the face of adversity.

Every music video on Jessie Chung’s Be Strong album surpassed the million view mark on YouTube in less than two months, indicating the amount of popularity they have garnered. Her album sales also surpassed 15,000 physical copies in three months, reaching platinum status!

Future Entertainment & Music Group Australia held a celebration for Jessie’s outstanding awards in Taiwan, and Darren Choy, chairman of the Recording Industry Association of Malaysia (RIM) and Managing Director of Warner Music Malaysia & Singapore, and Mr. Lim Kim Sow, CEO of Malaysia’s physical record distributor PMP Entertainment joined on the occasion to present Jessie with a platinum certification.

Chairman of RIM Darren Choy stated that the previous album There You Are has already done extremely well, but Be Strong managed to out do it by topping two charts. Jessie is currently the only Malaysian singer to have two simultaneous championships in the international charts of Taiwan.

CEO of Malaysia’s physical record distributor PMP Entertainment Mr. Lim stated that the 15,000 physical record sales is an incredible feat in the age of streaming and digital album sales. Jessie is a hardworking artist, and her hard work paid off this time.
To bring Jessie and her talent around the world, her boss in Australia employed Neil McLean, an artist manager who has had 33 years of experience in the media sphere and is currently a renowned television producer and host in Australia. He remarked that Jessie is a legend, and he has the confidence that Jessie will soon become a household name in Australia.

As for Jessie’s agenda this year, she stated that her manager has opened up opportunities in the Australian and European music scene for her, and she’ll be flying to Australia this year to promote her album and perform. Her label has prepared for Jessie to promote her album in Thailand in August, and Jessie will fly to Australia in September to hold the legal wedding ceremony of her dreams at Gold Coast.

As for the Music Box Stage Play, which is currently held in abeyance, her manager stated that it will be showing at the end of this year in performing art centers all across the country after Jessie’s wedding.

In addition, Jessie has also been informed by the Malaysian government that she would have the honor to represent her country in the ASEAN Business Awards, competing in the category for “Most Outstanding Businesswoman” and becoming the pride of Malaysia!

** Five Music’s International Chart is Taiwan’s first and only chart that determines its rankings solely through album sales.
** The rankings of i Radio’s International Chart are determined through internet polling, i Radio DJ votes, total airplay, and total record sales (Five Music, G-music,

钟洁希在台湾“四喜临门” 新专辑上榜夺双冠获白金

摇滚公主钟洁希【Be Strong 坚强】进军台湾,捷报连连,日前返马和歌迷庆功,带来“四喜临门”天大喜讯!

Be Strong 坚强】专辑在台湾备受欢迎,许多家台湾电台和媒体都热心支持,极力推广“洁希正能量”,希望通过专辑歌曲鼓励世界每一个角落的人。洁希在台湾宣传近两周,首周推出即登上台湾最具权威的专辑销售量排行榜“五大金榜”西洋榜的冠军宝座。

夺得了第一个冠军后,台湾著名电台i Radio也传出喜讯,说她的新歌【Be Strong 坚强】挤进了“i Radio金曲榜”西洋榜,并登上亚军宝座。专辑推出的第二周,钟洁希气势如虹,在台湾媒体和粉丝的支持下,荣登冠军宝座!

钟洁希表示很惊讶,想不到澳洲老板为她制作的这张【Be Strong 坚强】专辑,竟然受到台湾的如此欢迎,因为这次的竞争对手有Adele (爱黛儿Ed Sheeran (红发艾德The Chainsmokers (老烟枪双人组 Ariana Grande (亚莉安娜Madonna(玛丹娜)、Coldplay(酷玩乐团)等等能够夺得这次的双冠成绩,洁希表示最终还是要归功给老板和制作人。

她表示,台湾朋友很喜欢【Be Strong 坚强】这张专辑,因为专辑里的每一首歌都散发着正能量。尤其是【Be Strong 坚强】这首歌,是台湾电台DJ最爱播放的新歌之一。他们都说这首歌非常有意义,每次听完过后都能使他们被激励,坚强地面对每一天的生活。

钟洁希【Be Strong 坚强】专辑的每一首MVYouTube点击率都在两个月内突破百万大关,成绩相当理想。该专辑的销售量也在三个月内突破15 000片,获颁“白金唱片”!可谓喜讯连连!

澳洲未来娱乐暨音乐集团特为洁希这次在台湾的标青成绩举办庆功宴,同时大马唱片业公会RIM主席兼华纳唱片董事经理蔡经明先生(Darren Choy)和大马实体唱片发行公司PMP Entertainment总裁林金福也前来颁发白金唱片给洁希 

RIM主席蔡先生(Darren Choy)表示,上一张专辑There You Are的成绩已非常标青,Be Strong更是青出于蓝,拿下双榜冠军。洁希是目前唯一一位夺台湾西洋榜双冠的大马歌手。

大马实体唱片发行公司PMP Entertainment总裁林金福也发表说,【Be Strong 坚强】总销售量已超过15千片非常难得,这是非常理想的成绩。洁希是个非常努力的艺人,这是她努力的成果。

澳洲老板为了把洁希带到全世界,特别聘请了澳洲一在传媒界工作33传媒界工作33年的资深经纪人尼尔梅林(Neil  McLean),他曾经担任澳洲七号电视网及澳洲十号台前局长、前南十字星电视台主持人,  澳洲Prime电视台前新闻总监新闻播报员,澳洲WIN電視台前处长。经纪人表示,洁希是一个传奇人物,所以他有信心洁希将会红遍澳洲。






**i Radio 金曲榜的投选方式是通过金曲网路投票、i Radio DJ票选、i Radio电台播歌、i Radio销售榜 (五大唱片、G-music、博客来来计算成绩。 

Friday, 12 May 2017

Jessie Chung's Son Shows Support at Taiwan Launching Show

Princess of Rock Jessie Chung comes to Taipei Ximending to promote her new album Be Strong, appearing on stage with a sexy black and white outfit. Her adopted son Jeffrey also shows up with a bunch of carnations for her.

Jessie Chung’s 20-year-old son Jeffrey shows up to everyone’s amazement, holding a bunch of carnations and shouting, “Mom I love you!” The moment created a delightful surprise for Jessie. She smilingly said, “When I adopted him from my sister, he was only three years old. Time flies, now he’s already grown into a nice young man. My son is my number one fan, he fell in love with singing at the age of seven. Right now, he is studying nutrition, and has a lot of interest in song writing.” 

When asked about whether she is opposed to her son entering into the entertainment industry, Jessie Chung revealed that she is somewhat of a strict “tiger mom”, and puts a lot of emphasis on education. She stated that it’s good to love music, but education must be in priority, and that when she and her husband discovered that their son had a girlfriend, they both thought that they were too young to be dating, and told him to focus on education. Gratefully, Jessie Chung said, “Jeffrey is the best gift God gave to me”.

The launching show opens to a drowning wave of screams, Jessie Chung’s robust and impressive voice, coupled with the sensual choreographic interactions with her dancers, further incurred screams and shouts from the crowd. Jessie Chung performed her party-ready anthem “Forever Young” and the first single on her album of the same name, “Be Strong”. The two songs immediately set her fans on fire.

Jessie’s husband also appeared that day to show his support. In the crowd, two grandmas stood out as they danced energetically to the rhythm. As a doctor and oncologist, Jessie Chung expressed on stage that she hopes that cancer patients and victims of cyber-bullying can stand up and be strong through her songs. She believes that “those who stand up immediately after falling are the strongest”.

Though spraining her ankle the day before her launching show, Jessie Chung performed her songs “Love is Coming Home”, “I Don’t Care”, and “Feel My Love” in spite of the injury. She will be having her wedding ceremony in September.

Jessie Chung’s Marriage with Husband Finally Legal, Plans Thousand-People Wedding in Australia in September

Malaysian transgender singer Jessie Chung held a press conference in Taipei for her new English album, Be Strong. The album, produced and mastered in Australia, is set to be released to the Europe and American music scene. She is currently a permanent resident in Australia, and will put on the wedding dress once again in September there. Jessie, whose birthday is next month, emotionally said that she has been waiting for ten years, and that the legal marriage is going to be the best birthday present ever.

Jessie Chung and her husband has been working to get a marriage certificate for more than a decade. The two of them emotionally embraced each other when they heard that their marriage is finally recognized. In the interview, Jessie said, “I just want to be like all the couples out there, I want a marriage certificate. I really treasure it, and I’m very grateful for it.”

Jessie Chung announced that she and Joshua will hold another wedding this September.  They are planning to hold the three-day wedding in Gold Coast, Australia, which will also include a concert; her 20-year-old son will also perform on stage with her. When asked about her wedding dress style, she shyly mentioned that she would be wearing a low-cut, mermaid wedding dress, and smilingly said that it’s necessary for her to do so.

Jessie’s son of more than 10 years, whom she adopted from her older sister, was one of the page boys at her wedding in Malaysia. In a cheerful mood, she said that she asked her son if he was willing to be her page boy again at the upcoming wedding feast. “My son said there’s no such thing as a 20-year-old page boy, but if I wanted to, he would do it anyway.” She also shared her secrets to a happy marriage with her husband of more than 10 years. “He likes to watch war movies, while I like to watch romantic movies. Although I’m not very fond of war movies, I would still try my best to enjoy the movies and see the good side of them. He also often says to me: ‘you are the most beautiful one in my eyes’”. When asked about whether or not she is planning to adopt a second child, she shook her head and said, “My husband is operating a yacht company in Australia, he’s very busy, and I also need to tour with my new album and stage play. So, I think a dog as a companion would do.”

与老公婚姻终获认可 钟洁希9月澳洲办千人婚礼

(台北5月2日) 摇滚公主钟洁希在台北举办英文专辑《BE STRONG坚强》发片记者,新辑由澳洲团队打造,力拼进军欧美乐坛。她日前取得澳洲永久居留权,9在澳洲再披婚纱,下月生日的她感动直说等了10年,「这是我最棒的生日礼物






(台北5月6日)摇滚公主钟洁希在台北西门町为新专辑《Be Strong 坚强》举办签唱会,一身黑白性感劲装摇滚女郎装扮现身,认养的儿Jeffrey突然拿着康乃馨上台献花给妈咪。

钟洁希20岁的儿子Jeffrey惊喜亮相,拿着一束康乃馨现身喊:“妈咪我爱你! 让她又惊又喜。笑说“我从姐姐那领养时他才3岁,时间过的好快,现在都已经是小鲜肉了。儿子是我头号粉丝,他7岁时就爱唱歌,目前正攻读营养医学,对音乐创作也很有兴趣。”。当被问及是否反对儿子走向演艺圈,钟洁希自称是虎妈,对于学业极为严格,她说喜欢音乐很好,但学业一定要完成,之前儿子有小女友,但她与老公都觉得儿子太小,应以学业为重。钟洁希感恩道“Jeffrey是上天送给我最大的礼物”。

签唱会在人潮的尖叫声中拉开序曲,钟洁希震撼有力的歌声,与舞群的性感互动,让台下尖叫声不断。钟洁希以黑色摇滚女神劲装嗨唱舞曲「Forever Young永远青春」与专辑主打歌「BE STRONG坚强」连着两首舞曲,立即炒热现场气氛。


虽然签唱会的前一天,钟洁希不慎扭伤脚,但仍敬业演唱《Love is Coming Home让爱回家》、《I Don`t Care我不在乎》与《Feel My Love感爱》,她将于九月举行婚礼

钟洁希白色夹克摇滚云顶 3千人热爆




随后,洁希也在脸书留言:“在抵达云顶时雾很大, 根本看不到前面的路,无法行驶… 一行人都被在车上了,当时还以为到不了,但最后还是赶得及与大家见面。”当天,小天王周兴哲也是演唱嘉宾之一。


此外,由钟洁希主演的《音乐盒》舞台剧,故事讲述钟洁希人生旅程的三段真人真事的故事,正式宣布延期举行。原定于2/25-26(六/日)在KL PAC吉隆坡表演艺术中心演出的《音乐盒》舞台剧宣布延期举行。

据了解,延期原因在于《音乐盒》舞台剧主要演员之一在彩排时用力过猛导致肩部拉伤其在前段日子肩部已受过伤,而今旧伤加上新伤,医生说在三个月内都不能剧烈活动,所以无法参与舞台剧的彩排与演出,在主办单位商酌之后,决定延期举行,因此连带影响了《音乐盒》舞台剧的公演行程(包括Penang PacKKKuching的演出)。



