Tuesday, 20 March 2018

Music Box Celebrated at Cultural Exchange Between Malaysia and Indonesia Jessie Chung Feted by Indonesian Officials with a Magnificent Banquet

         Governor of West Sumatra Irwan Prayitno delivered Cert of Appreciation to Jessie Chung
Music Box, the magnum opus of Jessie Chung’s theatrical career, was recently brought to perform in Indonesia. Upon arrival, the Indonesian government held a lavish banquet to welcome its guests, kicking off the cultural exchange event between Malaysia and Indonesia. The theme of this cultural exchange event is “Three Cultures and Two Countries”, with the two countries being Malaysia and Indonesia, and the three cultures being the cultures of Malaysia, Indonesia, and Australia.
The Music Box crew touched down at Minangkabau International Airport in Padang, Indonesia, and was taken to the Governor’s Office of West Sumatra by a police escort to attend a banquet. The Governor of West Sumatra Irwan Prayitno, Deputy Governor Nasrul Abit, Minister of Tourism, and the Governor’s wife were also present. At the banquet, the Governor even went on stage to perform a few songs, showing his sincerity for and the significance of this cultural exchange event between Malaysia and Indonesia.
         Governor of West Sumatra Irwan Prayitno (right 2), Deputy Governor Nasrul Abit (right 1)

During his speech, the governor stated that due to its outstanding performance, Music Box has received the government’s support and was chosen to represent Malaysia in the form of theatre via Malindo Business & Cultural Center (MBCC) in this cultural exchange with Indonesia’s cultural department. He also stated that he is honored to have the opportunity to invite Jessie Chung to participate in this cultural exchange between “Three Cultures and Two Countries”, allowing the Indonesian people to broaden their horizon and enjoy an array of songs and performances from Australia.

 Music Box was performed at the auditorium of Universitas Negeri Padang, attended by the Governor of West Sumatra province, Irwan Prayitno, the Minister of Tourism, 19 mayors in West Sumatra, many high-ranking officers of the Navy, Army, and Airforce, the chancellor and vice chancellor of the university, and students of the university. Around 2000 theatregoers attended this colossal stage play.

Director Brian Choot stated, during this stop of the Music Box international tour, they all felt the sincerity of the Indonesian government through the hospitality and treatment toward guests; everyone felt like they were being put on a pedestal and pampered. What came as a surprise was that from the first scene to the last scene of the stage play, the Indonesian audience cheered all the way through to show their appreciation and enthusiasm. As the story climaxed, the audience showed even more passion through their applause. When asked about the audience’s reaction, the director chuckled and stated that he regarded them as the "most responsive crowd" of all time as they too were very dramatic and expressed their emotions freely while they rode along the twists and turns of the plot.

After the curtain call, Jessie Chung immediately transformed into the Princess of Rock, partying all the way till midnight with her Indonesian fans. That night, Jessie Chung performed "Sinaran", "Drive My Heart", "Be Strong", and "Feel My Love", wishing the Padang government good luck and a prosperous future. As she sang and danced to the music, the hotblooded crowd was ablaze with excitement, and the Governor and Minister of Tourism were also thrilled to watch the show as their faces lit up with joy.

The next day, the Indonesian government chose a few mayors to bring the Music Box crew to many tourist attractions, introducing them to the famous Minangkabal culture in Padang, taking them on a visit to a palace in Padang, and inviting them to dine together, further encouraging the cultural exchange between Malaysia and Indonesia.

So far, Music Box has completed 13 sold-out shows. To this date, the organizer has garnered over 1,000 video reviews from the audience, receiving an overwhelming collection of positive reviews. Many celebrities, artists, experts of various fields, and governmental staff also gave their positive comments to the stage play. Fans from Malaysia and all across the world, including China, the United States, Taiwan, Hong Kong, South Korea, Japan, and Thailand came to witness the spectacular show.

Under meticulous production, the English version of Music Box, tailored to international audiences, was born. In addition, the production team will also translate the surtitles to various languages, including Malay, Thai, Tamil, Japanese, Korean, etc. to cater to a wide variety of audiences.
The stage play Music Box is an event that fundraises for cancer patients and passionately promotes and propagates a positive message throughout society. The production team and organizer’s desire is that many philanthropic individuals will eagerly support this meaningful event. The itinerary for Music Box is as follows:
March 17th: Kuching, East Malaysia
March 31st: Taiwan
April 14th: Kota Kinabalu, East Malaysia
April 7th and 21st: Selangor (English version)

《音乐盒》登马印文化交流会赢欢呼 钟洁希受印尼官方晚宴款待

西苏门答腊省长Irwan Prayitno颁发奖状给钟洁希

钟洁希舞台演出代表作《音乐盒》话剧远征印尼,印尼政府设晚宴款待洗尘,为马印文化交流会掀开序幕。此次马印文化交流会的主题为“两国三文化”(3 budaya 2 Benua),两国即大马与印尼,三文化则包括大马文化、印尼文化及澳洲文化。

《音乐盒》剧组人员抵达印尼巴东米南佳保国际机场,随即在印尼警方的开路护送下,前往四苏门答腊省长府邸参加晚宴,与西苏省长Irwan Prayitno、副省长Nasrul Abit、旅游部长及省长夫人同席。晚宴上,省长还亲自上台演出,对此项马印文化交流活动献上诚意。

(右起)副省长Nasrul Abit、西苏省长Irwan Prayitno、省长夫人、钟洁希、旅游部长合影


《音乐盒》话剧于印尼巴东州立大学(Universitas Negeri Padang)大剧院上演,官方代表嘉宾包括西苏门答腊省长Irwan Praytino、旅游部长、西苏各区市长、大学校长和副校长,以及大学全体师生等,全场估计2000人出席观赏这次的大型舞台剧演出。


话剧演出结束后,钟洁希即兴更衣变身摇滚公主,与印尼粉丝High至午夜。当夜,钟洁希现场献唱Sinaran、Drive My Heart、Be Strong和Feel My Love四首歌,祝贺巴东政府的日益兴盛。热歌劲舞一响起,全场观众随即热血沸腾,省长和旅游部长当晚也笑得乐呵呵。






Audience of 2,000 Anticipates Jessie Chung’s Highly-Acclaimed Music Box in Padang, Indonesia

Music Box, the magnum opus of Jessie Chung’s theatrical career, just completed its 12th performance at DPAC, Damansara Performing Arts Centre. The theatre company will fly to Padang, the capital of West Sumatra, Indonesia on Wednesday, March 7th to kick off the international tour with their first performance overseas.
So far, Music Box has completed 12 sold-out shows in the country. To this date, the organizer has garnered over 1,000 video reviews from the audience, receiving an overwhelming collection of positive reviews. Many celebrities, artists, experts of various fields, and governmental staff also gave their positive comments to the stage play. Fans from Malaysia and all across the world, including China, the United States, Taiwan, Hong Kong, South Korea, Japan, and Thailand came to witness the spectacular show.

Due to its outstanding performances, Music Box received the government’s support and was chosen to represent Malaysia in a cultural exchange with Indonesia’s cultural department. Through Malindo Business & Cultural Center (MBCC), Music Box will be performed at the Grand Theatre of Universitas Negeri Padang. The Governor of West Sumatra province, Irwan Praytino, along with 15 mayors and various governmental ministers, will attend this mega-scale show along with 2,000 spectators.
Under meticulous production, the English version of Music Box, tailored to international audiences, was born. In addition, the production team will also translate the surtitles to various languages, including Malay, Thai, Tamil, Japanese, Korean, etc. to cater to a wide variety of audiences.
The stage play Music Box is an event that fundraises for cancer patients and passionately promotes and propagates a positive message throughout society. The production team and organizer’s desire is that many philanthropic individuals will eagerly support this meaningful event. The itinerary for Music Box is as follows:
March 7th: Padang, Indonesia
March 17th: Kuching, East Malaysia
March 31st: Taiwan
April 14th: Kota Kinabalu, East Malaysia
April 7th : Selangor
For further information, please follow Symphony Musical House’s Facebook, or contact 03-55693721.

钟洁希《音乐盒》叫好叫座 印尼巴东2千观众期待


《音乐盒》话剧表现优越,因而受到政府青睐,并通过马印商业与文化交流中心(MBCC)为中介,有幸中选为马来西亚话剧代表,与印尼文化部进行文化交流,假印尼巴东州立大学(Universitas Negeri Padang)大剧院演出。西苏门答腊省长Irwan Praytino将偕同15位市长及各部门部长,出席这场2000人的大型舞台剧演出。

钟洁希七情演出挑战高难度 《音乐盒》再度赢得掌声




饰演女主角秦霜霜的钟洁希在演出过程中,幕幕皆真情流露,就连吻戏、扑跌也来真!闭幕后洁希久久不能从剧中的角色里走出来,难以自拔!做到了“真吻、真跌、真泪” !







《音乐盒》话剧目前暂定超过30场的演出。今年12月开始在马来西亚、新加坡、台湾、香港、泰国、韩国、印尼、印度、日本、澳洲等国家进行巡回演出,为广大观众献上这部扣人心弦的新时代话剧。目前吉隆坡已经有7场爆满!欲知购票详情可联络 016-263 4399

Jessie Chung Music Box Stage Play

💖The seventh stage play starring Jessie Chung, Music Box, sold out all tickets for six shows in no time, with all the remaining shows selling out 80 percent of tickets. To prevent disappointing fans and theatergoers who were unable to get their hands on tickets, the organizer decided to schedule additional performances so as to keep up with the public demand. Inspired by a true story in 18th century England, which recounts a teenage girl’s experience with romance, friendship, and family, Music Box also incorporates Jessie Chung’s life journey and three relationships. Music Box is a gripping story that will strike and sensitize the audience’s soul, allowing them to appreciate the unpredictability of affection through the laughter and tears of the plotline.

💖The stage play Moonlight, which came out in 2016, was remembered as the show that broke the rules of traditional stage plays in Malaysia, as it threw in avant-garde techniques and theatrical effects in the mix for the first time. In supplementing the stage play with an LED stage and a high-quality stereo system, the story’s settings and surroundings were made more lifelike, and the audience was able to experience the story in a much more interactive way. The play was highly acclaimed by critics and viewers alike and easily sold out all tickets for ten shows. Highlights of the play included the performance of lead actress Jessie Chung, who was so imbibed in her role in this bittersweet tale that she earned the crowd’s applause at various moments of the show, which culminated to a standing ovation upon the finale! Among her list of qualifications, Jessie Chung has also won second place in an international stage play competition.

💖Synopsis: Qin Shuang Shuang, portrayed by Jessie Chung, is a young woman whose mother disappeared during her childhood. Under the prearrangement of fate, the love and affection of three men for her sucked her down into a chaotic whirlpool and turned her world upside down. Faced with the conflicts of family, friends, and lovers, what kind of decisions will Shuang Shuang make?

💖Music Box, based on a true story, is another Future Entertainment & Music Group Australia production organized by the Malaysia Naturopathic Association (MNA) to fundraise for cancer patients. Music Box will be performed in theaters this December in Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, and Hong Kong, and is later set to be performed in Thailand, South Korea, Indonesia, India, Japan, and Australia from June to December 2018.
💖More than 20 Music Box performances have been currently planned. To purchase tickets or for more information, please contact 03-55693721.
Symphony Theatre, Shah Alam
December 15th, 2017 (Friday) 7:30pm Full💖
December 19th, 2017 (Tuesday) 7:30pm Full💖
December 21st, 2017 (Thursday) 7:30pmFull💖
December 23rd, 2017 (Saturday) 7:30pmFull💖
December 30th, 2017 (Saturday) 7:30pm Full💖
January 6th, 2018 (Saturday) 7:30pm
January 13th, 2018 (Saturday) 7:30pmFull💖
February 3rd, 2018 (Saturday) 7:30pm

Johor Tourism Information Centre (JOTIC)
January 20th, 2018 (Saturday) 7:30pm

Penang Performing Arts Centre
January 27th, 2018 (Saturday) 8:30pm
January 28th, 2018 (Sunday) 8:30 pm

Miri: March 3rd, 2018 (Saturday) 7:30pm
Bintulu: March 7th, 2018 (Wednesday) 7:30pm
Sibu: March 10th, 2018 (Saturday) 7:30pm
Kuching: March 16th-17th, 2018 (Friday & Saturday) 7:30pm
Taiwan: March 31st-April 1st, 2018 (Saturday & Sunday) 7:30pm
Hong Kong: April 8th, 2018 (Sunday) 7:30pm
Sabah: April 14th, 2018 (Saturday) 7:30pm
Singapore: April 21st, 2018 (Saturday) 7:30pm

Ticket prices (Malaysia): RM300 / RM120 / RM80 / RM50 / RM30
Hang about near Jessie’s Facebook page to catch the latest news!